Change your perspective.
There are people who live lavishly on the one hand. On the other hand, there are people who cannot even afford the basics of life. They do not have a place to live, food to eat, or clothes to wear. They lack basic necessities, are fighting for their lives every day, and can't meet their basic needs. To help poor and needy is a noble endeavour. You strengthen their dependency by giving more to poor and needy people. Giving them the chance or opportunity will result in an effective and long-lasting improvement in their lives. Following are the few ways to help poor and needy people: Bringing moral consolation to the poor is an effective way to help them. It is more effective than just giving them money. The ability to improve their condition on their own would increase their self-esteem and allow them to overcome barriers they face every day. One can raise awareness and create connections to charity organizations and community centres that a...